Kinzi was sweet (crazy?) enough to spend some time assisting me with portraits a few weeks ago before she ran off to college. She got paid in plates, and I got to test out some of the different colors, so I like to think it was a win-win.
event: AmaCon 2018
For the first time in AmaCon history, I didn't spend the day running around and doing 100 things. Even though being in one place the whole time was very weird, I got to talk to a ton of neat people, and had a good time field testing my portable darkroom set up.
Not to mention my adorable assistants, and a tiny bit of stalking to make sure I had a chance to photograph Pennywise.
The red plate was insane to try and scan, but it looks phenomenal in person. Just as creepy as I had envisioned.
experiment: Ferrotypes
After adopting this cutie in Portland, I got the nudge I needed to throw myself back into alternative processes in a big way. I wanted to quickly gauge just how rusty my skills were, so I picked up a ferrotype kit and went to town.
They didn't turn out the best, but I was expecting them to be pretty rough after my hiatus. The good news is the camera works perfectly, and I still mostly know what I'm doing!