2022: One

It has been FIVE years since all those Instax photos took over this space, which somehow feels like both yesterday and several lifetimes ago.

What’s the fall version of spring cleaning? Whatever that is, plus settling into a new job has me fully in the back to school revamp state of mind. I can’t think of any better reason to give these daily photos another shot (pun fully intended) - this time with a cute little Paper Shoot.

lately: August Reading

August started out way too hectic for me to get much reading done, but my top three this month might just be contenders for favorites of the year.

Top Three:
- Nightbitch, @raijoy
- Afterparties, @fakemaddoxjolie ( 😭)
- The Disasters, @mk_england

- 🎶 I got three looks, that’s it (spooky, nonfiction, short stories) 🎶
- Calling myself out for *still* having more books half started than finished

lately: July Reading

I didn’t read many things in July, but WOW there were some winners.

Top Three:
- This Is the Story of a Happy Marriage, @parnassusbooks
- Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke, @ejlarocca
- A Danger to Herself and Others, @alyssasheinmel

- I am in no way exaggerating when I say that I half started more books than I finished this month.
- Not totally converted to ebook life, but will admit to appreciating the convenience factor when it came to plane hopping.
