Sunday reading after taking way too long to watch the movie.
2017: One Hundred Fifty Seven
2017: One Hundred Fifty Six
2017: One Hundred Fifty Five
in my bag: Family Reunion
When it comes to certain things, I tend to be an overpacker. There's no use trying to deny it. I'm driving up to Nebraska/South Dakota for a's all the film I think I need to fit into my bag:
- 35mm Revolog 600nm
- 35mm CineStill 800Tungsten
- 35mm Ektar 100
- 35mm Portra 160, 3 rolls
- 35mm Ilford HP5 Plus, 2 rolls
- 35mm Velvia 100, 2 rolls
- 35mm Provia 100F
- 35mm Provia 400X
- Instax Wide, 2 packs
- Instax Mini (as much as I end up buying)
- 120 Portra 400, 5 rolls
- 120 Provia 100F
- 120 Velvia 100
- 120 Ilford HP5 Plus
- 120 Ektar 100
...y'all my 35mm of choice doesn't even function properly as of right now. But, I feel the need to get some good use out of it, even if it means buying out every battery store on the way.
In other news, it's a good thing I have this week to get my bag in order. It's the tiniest bit of a mess right now. One day I'll buy a bigger one for travel - this one is the cutest, but not the most suited to my travel tendencies.
2017: One Hundred Fifty Four
Flash floods aside, it's been so nice out the last few days.
2017: One Hundred Fifty Three
I feel like I haven't gone anywhere but home and work for WEEKS.
2017: One Hundred Fifty Two
Don't tell Schuyler, but I've been thinking about trading him in for an HRV...
2017: One Hundred Fifty One
Freshly cleared for activities = doing 100 putts a day for 100 days. Wasting no time around here.
2017: One Hundred Fifty
Being 150 images deep into this thing has got me thinking about where to go from here. The Instax days are here to stay, but maybe start bringing back posts about other things? Expand my horizons into more ~personal~ posts? Neither because staying caught up is enough of a task? What do you think, three loyal followers? (;