My film stash has gotten real sad lately. I should have enough to last through a major road trip coming up, but after that it'll need some serious replenishing.
2017: One Hundred Forty Eight
Musical brothers.
2017: One Hundred Forty Seven
2017: One Hundred Forty Six
Even halfway organized these shelves are already amazing.
2017: One Hundred Forty Five
Sunny weather makes it so much easier to continue being a productive human when I get home from work.
2017: One Hundred Forty Four
I'm slowly accumulating a really nice Shiro cosmetics collection. Very Bad News has become my go-to eyeshadow these days.
2017: One Hundred Forty Three
2017: One Hundred Forty Two
"Can I buy myself this mermaid??!!?!?"
"Oh my gosh."
2017: One Hundred Forty One
Having the whole bed to myself was cool for .8 seconds. I've crafted a pretty nice nest.