Knee surgery Thursday, up and walking Friday.
2017: One Hundred Thirty Eight
Hutch's nest of machines and entertainment.
2017: One Hundred Thirty Seven
Being 90 years old is my favorite hobby.
2017: One Hundred Thirty Six
2017: One Hundred Thirty Five
Queso and naps.
2017: One Hundred Thirty Four
I just might be the easiest person in the world to talk into a road trip. Elizabeth made the slightest mention that she would be in Lubbock this weekend (a couple months ago), and less than a second later she had an overeager, undereducated tour guide.
We explored a giant wooden playground, investigated "Hell's Gates," I almost parked on Buddy Holley's grave and ate pretzels bigger than our faces. That's not even an exaggeration...
2017: One Hundred Thirty Three
Dragged myself out of bed at 10:30 for a brunch date. Not a bad Saturday.
2017: One Hundred Thirty Two
Conned Ron into helping assemble bows and arrows for camp next weekend. They turned out exponentially better this round.
2017: One Hundred Thirty One
Kitty loaf cross stitching while I mindlessly watch Parks and Rec. The amount of times I've seen the third season is getting ridiculous...
2017: One Hundred Thirty
I managed to do a wedding thing! Raided my weird little scrapbook stash and pulled together some cute cards for a silly idea that'll probably change within a month. Hey, progress is progress.