lately: October Verbs

aka an excuse to share a few completely unrelated images!

Reading: A lot of things, very slowly. The past few weeks have been crazy, so when I actually get time to read, I just end up falling asleep. In fantasy land, I'd like to reread the Series of Unfortunate Events series before the Netflix version premieres in January.  I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but I'm willing to give it a shot. 

Listening: I'm the worst at keeping up with new music. Jamie Woon's Mirrorwriting came out in 2011 (what??), but I've been listening to it again a lot recently. 

Enjoying: Still being a tourist almost a year after moving. I've gone to see Gabriel Dawe's installation (that amazing rainbow to the right) at AMoA more times than I can count, visited the Community Market a few times, and eaten all the delicious local food. 

Baking: Beer bread. Lots of beer bread, and lazy lemon bars. My citrus craving hasn't really gotten the message that it's fall yet. 

Making: Plans for fall traveling. I've been a lot of places this year, but there are still a few months left to squeeze in more road trips. 

Wearing: My new favorite shirt from Jordandene, but more on that later...

Watching: SHAMELESS. The US version. I know I'm late to the party (huge surprise), but I can't stop myself from watching 3+ episodes at a time. Also throw in a little Black Mirror for variety, and I'm set. 

Celebrating: My girl Cynthia's engagement, and returning to the land of breakfast tacos for a quick visit next month. 

Planning: On buying myself some shiny new equipment for Christmas. That wish list is quickly spiraling out of control though. Whoops.