If you're ever unsure of what to read next, I highly recommend the dollar clearance shelf at Half Price Books. While a dangerous place for my wallet, it is also an amazing place for my collection.
On a whim I bought Whitney Otto's Eight Girls Taking Pictures. The concept caught my attention, but I was fully hooked by the mention of Lee Miller. I figured it would be a decent, entertaining read if nothing else. I finished the first story and felt more inspired than I have in a while.
Because of this I've asked some of my very best pals, who happen to be gifted photographers/writers to read along with me. Our collective goal is to not only discuss what we've read, but produce work for each story contained in the novel. I'm so excited to collaborate with Cynthia, Maria and Miranda on this, and know that some stellar work will be produced in the process. We're working on a very loose timeline, so any if you lady (or gentleman, we won't discriminate) photogs out there feel even slightly inclined to join us, please feel free to do so (and let me know about it!).