It's been a while, but my vegan baking skills are still intact!
2017: Three Hundred Forty Eight
I've turned the couch into my cross stitching nest for the winter.
2017: Three Hundred Forty Seven
Best new ornament this year.
2017: Three Hundred Forty Six
Anyone want to take bets on how long it takes me to put these negatives away?
2017: Three Hundred Forty Five
Witchy folding table is getting put to good use this month.
2017: Three Hundred Forty Four
South Texas is getting snow, and the panhandle is on fire.
2017: Three Hundred Forty Three
This may jinx it, but I'm surprised the cat hasn't started tearing into the presents yet...
2017: Three Hundred Forty Two
2017: Three Hundred Forty One
Kindness Matters.
2017: Three Hundred Forty
Slowly gathering sentimental ornaments to fill up our tree.