Restocking my film stash just in time for vacation.
2017: Three Hundred Eight
Cross your fingers I can keep these beauties alive for two weeks.
2017: Three Hundred Seven
Fancy adult fall tablecloth for our new fancy adult kitchen table.
2017: Three Hundred Six
Real proud of the spooky still life pillow that lives in my office now.
2017: Three Hundred Five
Hutch's office is becoming quite the instrument museum.
2017: Three Hundred Four
Staying out past my bedtime to see Strawberry Girls tonight.
2017: Three Hundred Three
2017: Three Hundred Two
Goal: take down everything on this wall and redecorate it by the end of the year. Pray for me.
2017: Three Hundred One
I'm obsessed with the new shower. Is this what being a grown up is like?
2017: Three Hundred
I wish I had planned something a little more exciting for day 300.