Am I the only weirdo who obsessively labels photos?
2017: Two Hundred Eighty Eight
PSA: Put your film away properly as soon as you get it back from the lab, or regret it months later.
2017: Two Hundred Eighty Seven
Good news of the day: Wedding dress still fits.
2017: Two Hundred Eighty Six
Best mail day in a long time.
2017: Two Hundred Eighty Five
Office mates.
2017: Two Hundred Eighty Four
Our shower is starting to look less like a hole in wall and more like an actual shower.
2017: Two Hundred Eighty Three
New art Tuesday. Thanks, MindOfIron!
2017: Two Hundred Eighty Two
Current reading list. Riverdale has me all kinds of obsessed with the Archie gang, so this is my first adventure into the (new) comics.
2017: Two Hundred Eighty One
Souvineirs and bad scanning.
2017: Two Hundred Eighty
National Convention swag.