Guess who finished her Christmas shopping long before December? Mostly, anyway.
2017 photo a day
2017: Three Hundred Thirty Four
This poor flag has been moved 500 times in the last week.
2017: Three Hundred Thirty Three
2017: Three Hundred Thirty Two
So little wall, so much math to get this lined up correctly.
2017: Three Hundred Thirty One
I'm a big fan of our non-traditional holiday mantle.
2017: Three Hundred Thirty
Getting caught up on all of my posts...if I can stop playing Animal Crossing for five seconds...
2017: Three Hundred Twenty Nine
Thank you note fest starts today.
2017: Three Hundred Twenty Eight
Took down the flag behind the TV only to put it back up two hours later.
2017: Three Hundred Twenty Seven
Knew at least two Trivial Pursuit facts tonight thanks to Parks and Rec.
2017: Three Hundred Twenty Six
I could build one hell of a box fort today.